When was a time YOU were embarrassed? A Embarrassing Experience

One time I was really sick with a bacterial infection in my stomach. I was really scared as I had not experienced   anything like it.  It was about the time of my dad’s birthday, and some of our friends wanted to surprise my dad by coming to our house with treats. When everybody left only one family didn’t leave. Them and my parents were discussing about my sickness. When they were climbing back into the car, one of them started yelling about how I shouldn’t be scared and that it was nothing, in the neighborhood, at 10PM. I was SO EMBARRASSED.
Another time was when I was really small. We were in the mall and I got sleepy, so I wanted my dad to carry me. So I turned around and walked to my “dad.”I started screaming, “Carry me!” Little did I know that the man wasn’t my dad. My dad apologized and scooped me up. I didn’t think too much about it then, but now I realize how embarrassing that ordeal was.

When Was a Time You Were Embarrassed? Tell Me In the Comments Below!


  1. great blog!
    a couple years ago, i went to Vietnam with my family, we went kayaking.
    our instructor told us to go through a cave, a sign hanging on the cave said "danger, do not enter".
    i did not want to go in the cave, but my mom told me it was not dangerous, i have a fear of drowning , so i started crying out . but i was forced to row towards the cave, it was a really scary experience at that time. by the time i rowed out the cave, i felt like i conquered mount Everest!
    it was really embarrassing.. now that i look back at it, i felt like i overreacted...[ i did..]

  2. I was in second grade and school reopened after Pongal holidays. I came from school, yelling from about a 100 feet from our house, "sugarcane"! I froze dumb-founded as I saw one of our school teachers in my house. She was a family friend and she was visiting! I felt so embarassed!!


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